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A great bodyweight HIIT workout keeps things simple. It lines up several of the best bodyweight exercises and asks you to rattle through them with minimal rest. That’s exactly what you can expect from this workout put together by personal trainer Steve Ahern from Goal Plans powered by MuscleFood.
You need 30 minutes, a bit of clear space and the workout is suitable for all fitness levels since you’re working to time rather than trying to hit a certain amount of reps. There are a number of high-impact exercises, however. If you think that might pose a problem, try this beginner HIIT workout with the regressions.
Steve Ahern is a level 3 certified PT with more than 10 years of experience in the fitness industry, working with a range of clients from athletes to celebrities all over the world including the UK, USA, Australia and New Zealand. Ahern consults with MuscleFood’s Goal Plans meal-planning service to offer advice to members on a range of health and nutrition topics.
The workout uses a 20/20/20 format where you do exercise A for 20 seconds, switch straight into move B for 20 seconds, then rest for 20 seconds. There are seven sections to the workout, and in the first six, you’ll do four rounds of a pair of exercises and rest only after the second move. Then in the last section, you do all 12 exercises for 20 seconds each back-to-back for a tough finisher. The whole workout will take just under 30 minutes.
Click or press the title for an in-depth form guide to each exercise.
Sets 4 Time 20sec Rest 0sec
“Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart with toes slightly pointed outwards,” says Ahern. “Shift your hips back and bend your knees to lower into a squat position. Keep your chest up when executing the movement, with your back straight, and push through your heels to come back to standing.”
Sets 4 Time 20sec Rest 20sec
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Start on your hands and toes, with your arms and legs extended, hands underneath your shoulders and body in a straight line from head to heels. Bend your elbows to lower your chest to the floor, then push back up. “Make sure to keep your elbows in when pushing back up,” says Ahern.
Sets 4 Time 20sec Rest 0sec
“Take a step backwards and drop your rear knee as close to the floor as possible while keeping your back straight and chest up,” says Ahern. “Push back up and keep switching legs until the allocated time is up.”
Sets 4 Time 20sec Rest 20sec
From standing, fold at your waist and place your hands on the floor in front of your feet. Jump your feet back so you land in the top push-up position. Jump your feet back to your hands, then jump straight up, landing softly.
Sets 4 Time 20sec Rest 0sec
“This exercise adds a jump to a squat,” says Ahern. As you rise out of a squat jump straight up. Land softly and immediately lower into the next rep.
Sets 4 Time 20sec Rest 20sec
“Take one step backward and drop your knee as close to the ground as you can, then jump up and switch legs in mid-air, landing with the other leg behind you,” says Ahern. Continue jumping and switching legs in mid-air.
Sets 4 Time 20sec Rest 0sec
“Run on the spot, raising your knees to your chest,” says Ahern. Raise the opposite arm to the raised leg.
Sets 4 Time 20sec Rest 20sec
“Start in a push-up position,” says Ahern. “Move one knee close to your chest while keeping your hips as still as possible. Switch legs in mid-air and keep your head down.” Continue switching legs at pace.
Sets 4 Time 20sec Rest 0sec
“From standing, fold at your waist and place your hands on the floor in front of you. Walk your hands into a push-up position, hold for a second and then move your hands backwards and come to standing,” says Ahern. “Don’t allow your hips or back to dip.”
Sets 4 Time 20sec Rest 20sec
“Support your body on your forearms and toes,” says Ahern. “Keep your back parallel with the floor, don’t raise your hips and keep your head down. Make sure to contract your core area while performing this exercise.” Hold this position for the allotted time.
Sets 4 Time 20sec Rest 0sec
“Step your left foot backward and drop into the reverse lunge position and stay there for the allotted time,” says Ahern.
Sets 4 Time 20sec Rest 20sec
“Step your right foot backward and drop into the reverse lunge position and stay there for the allotted time,” says Ahern.
Rest for an additional 60 seconds before doing the final round, where you tackle all 12 moves from the workout in a row without rest. Use the form instructions from above and perform each move for 20 seconds.
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Adam Smith is an accomplished individual who serves as an chief contributor at Healthify Magazine, a leading publication dedicated to promoting health and wellness. With a passion for empowering individuals to live healthier lives, Adam brings a wealth of knowledge and expertise to his role.